Saturday, February 13, 2010

Systemic Yeast

Since realizing that I have an oral thrush infection I've been researching about it and how to get rid of it. It's really gross having a furry tongue and I want it to go away. I also have to figure out how to manage this yeast so that I can take the antibiotics I need to get rid of the Lyme. I was surprised when I read the list of symptoms at how much it can affect your quality of life. Maybe many of my symptoms are more about this the the Lyme exactly. I think this problem is more common then many of us know about and might be the underlying cause of many other unexplainable health conditions. I've included the list of symptoms because I suspect I'm not the only person I know who is suffering from this. I'll update when I figure out what to do about it.

incapacitating fatigue
concentration/focus problems
short term memory
painful joints
muscle aches
extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders
acid reflux
brown colored mucus in the back of the throat
white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat
unrefreshing sleep
sore throat
white coated tongue
aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin
chronic sinusitis
frequent urination
chronic constipation
headaches including migraines
visual blurring
sensitivity to light
eye pain
panic attacks
personality changes
mood swings
night sweats
canker sores
shortness of breath
hypertension/high blood pressure
dizziness and balance problems
sensitivity to heat/cold
alcohol intolerance
gluten intolerance
irregular heartbeat
irritable bowel
constipation and/or diarrhea
painful gas/abdominal bloating
low grade fever or low body temperature
numbness/tingling in the face or extremities
dryness of mouth and eyes
difficulty swallowing
projectile vomiting
menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)
recurrent yeast infections
recurrent ear infections
skin rashes
dry/flaking skin
skin discoloration/blotchiness
jock and rectal itching
chronic athlete's foot
chronic toenail and fingernail fungus
ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
sensitivity to noise/sounds
sensitivity to foods
sensitivity to chemicals
sensitivity to odors
weight changes without changes in diet
feeling in a fog
muscle twitching
muscle weakness
jerky-leg syndrome
low sex drive

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