Thursday, October 29, 2009

Random Lyme Update

People are always asking me how the Lyme thing is going (which is really nice) so I though I'd share with everyone. All in all, things are pretty much the same. I do think I'm getting a bit more energy, but just a bit. However, I am way more sore! Both of my arms are so sore that it hurts really bad to lift the blankets off when I turn over or get out of bed. It hurts to lift my arms over my head to take off a shirt and I can barely put any weight on them. My hips are also really stiff and sore and I'm getting so skinny I hardly recognize myself. I'm not exactly sure what is making me get so small. Maybe it's the wheat and dairy free diet or my muscles getting smaller or maybe it's just a weird side effect of the Lyme. I don't think I've been this small since college or maybe even high school. It's weird. But mostly I'm just in pretty bad pain all day long. I'm taking several things to help, but they only do so much. The best thing is really hot baths. So, I think I'll go and soak right now.
Thanks for asking!

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