Last night I went for an appointment with my Lyme doctor. I've been having a lot of neurological symptoms lately so I was really looking forward to seeing him.
We reviewed my current symptoms: fatigue, involuntary movements, tingly arms, difficulty walking, slowed speech and cognitive function. In general I feel like if only I didn't have these few really debilitating symptoms I would be doing really well. I can feel the old me trying to rise to the surface but it's as if I'm weighted down by these few major issues. We also reviewed the list of my old symptoms and celebrated having so many of them resolved.
Then we moved on to muscle testing or ART as some people call it. We tested for my current infections and compared them to my last visits. He uses a ranking system where 1 is the most active or biggest problem, 3 is present but not incredibly active, 4-5 is detectable but at a verylow level, and 0 is not present at all. Here is an over view of my ART results.
Test Dec '11 1/12 4/12 5/12
Lyme 4 4 2 1
Babesia 3 2 2 3
Bartonella 3 2 2 3
Parasites 0 1 5 0
Viruses 4 3 3 4
Mycoplasma 4 4 4 4
Yeast/mold/fungi 3 3 4 4
Bacteria 3 2 3 4
Neurotoxins 4 4 4
Metals 4 4
Looking at my results we can see that in general I have really good numbers. Pretty much everything is at a 4 except for babs and bart which are 3s (present but not reeking havoc). I have gotten rid of ALL parasites. I think my effort to avoid sushi has helped with this along with some good supplments. I'm doing pretty well except for a raging case of Lyme Disease.
What I find really interesting about this method of testing is that it often explains how I'm feeling. I had said that I felt like if I cold get these last few really awful symptoms to clear I would be feeling great and i think I was right. Once I get this Lyme under control I should be feeling a lot better because I'm not dealing with as many big infections any more.
The next thing we did was to test all of my current protocol. We discovered that as usual I'm really sensitive to a lot of things and about half of my treatment was no longer working for me. Taking so many things that my body was no longer liking might also have been contributing to me not feeling so well these last 4-6 weeks.
We removed all of the stuff my body didn't want, adjusted the doses on a few items, and then added in just a few new things to treat this raging case of Lyme. I left with a good understanding of what is happening inside my body and a significantly smaller protocol which made me happy.
One of the best lessons I have learned since doing this muscle testing is that sometimes when I think I'm not getting better, that's not the case. Instead it sometimes is just a switching of dominance in my my infections. One month I may feel very neuro, another month short of breath, and another my gut may be hurting. I've learned to recognize that just means that things are changing. As I clear out one infection another rises to the top and I attack it. In general, my results are getting better and I'm on a good path.
I'll be doing another blog post soon with my new protocol, but for now I'll share that he wants me to go back on antibiotics for a little while. I tested well for Bicillin injections. He thinks 4-6 weeks at one injection a week should perk me back up. If it doesn't knock out the entire infection we will rotate to something else because after a while the Lyme bacteria adapt and it looses it's effectiveness. I'm not looking to the pain that comes along with the injections or the ensuing herx reaction, but I am really excited about feeling a lot better and kicking Lyme in the ass once and for all.
Questions and comments always welcome.
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