Yesterday i had another visit with my Lyme Literate Dr. She was happy to hear that I'm doing well on the Salt/Vit. C protocol as well as the liquid oxygen. She said sometimes people who are more sensitive respond better to the natural approaches then to the antibiotics. However, she also said that just because I am feeling better these days doesn't mean that I am actually getting better, but that there's a trade off and sometimes being able to live and enjoy life is better then suffering through the harsh antibiotic treatments. sShe's willing to gamble with the natural stuff a bit longer because she likes how well I feel.
My CD-57 test results went down again from 60, 69, 59, to 45. She said that sometimes you'll feel better long before your immune system recovers which is what this test is checking for. She said that for now we're going to basically ignore the results and go with how I feel unless we get another really low one when I return in 2 months. So wish me luck with this salt thing. I really hope it is working because while it's nice having more energy these days I'd really like to be done with all of this and be able to work, play, and live like I used to. I'll take the energy for now if that's the best I can get and I'll keep on keeping on. So the short version is things are the same except I'm going to add the Cat's Claw back in as an additional method of antibiotic.
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