So, I started new meds recently and at the beginning of the year I added a new medication. It's causing me to have a herx reaction which is good because it demonstrates that the medication is working. The herx happens when you get a rapid die off of bacteria and then you have a toxic load causing your symptoms to increase for a while. I don't know who long this is going to last.
Lately, I've been thinking about everything and I'm getting very suspicious that I may have gotten Lyme or some co-infections from my first tick bite in the spring of 2003. I've been realizing that some of these symptoms such as getting sick all the time and having my left arm hurt go all the way back to when I lived in Santa Rosa. I'm also realizing that I may not have pieced it all together earlier because my memory may have been decreasing even way back then. I'm still trying to piece it all together so if you remember something about my health from 5 or 6 years ago please remind me so I can put the pieces together.
Here is a little bit of what I'm experiencing right now.
-chronic fatigue
-memory loss
-difficulty recalling
-pain around major joints
-severe itching
-difficulty sleeping
-lower back pain
-foggy head
-shortness of breath
-hot and cold flashes
-extreme desire to sit or lay down
-feelings of isolation
-emotional roller coaster
-muscle weakness
It means a lot to me when people offer to help out. It's helpful when people bring over food, or stop by to cook something I already have, drive me places so i can get out of the house, drop off dvds or books, or just stop by to say hi and mentally distract me for a while. I'd appreciate some help or visits this week.
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