I just got back from a hike at Nissene Marks State Park. It was really hot here today so we decided to go find out how much hiking I could do in the shade of the giant redwood trees. I haven't been on a hike in a REALLY long time. It was so great to get out there and comune with nature. I really miss being on the trail.
I had a great time hiking, well it was really more like a walk in the woods. I think I hiked faster with 20 1st graders than I did today. We got in a few miles before my hip and knee were hurting too much. I finally just sat down and Yawno went for a run back to the car and drove back to pick me up on the side of the road in the park. It was a good thing he did run too because when he got to our car we were getting a parking ticket from the ranger. We had paid the fees. I was hapy to pay given the dismal state of the parks system. But, our envelope didn't have a stub to put in the window so the ranger though we hadn't paid. He talked to her and got her to look through the box of fees for the one with our lisence number on it. We still have a ticket, but she said we can contest it and will likely win.
I'm tired now, but at least it's in a really good way. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get out and about more often and for longer so if you want to go for a walk or hike please take me with you I'd love to go.
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