Right now we've got bunches of basil, leafy lettuces, tons of tomatoes, super big squash, and so much more. It's so great to go outside and pick something to eat. There have even been times that every veggie on our dinner plates came from our back yard.
As with any garden there have also been surprises. We had soooo many volunteer plants this year it was crazy. We've got volunteer flowers blooming here and there. We have a forest of tomatoes from last year's seeds. We have so many tomato plants we probably could have gone with out planting any seedlings. The great part is that now, we've got about 7 or more varieties of tomatoes growing back there. The other day when Ambrosia was here I discovered we have a yellow variety of tomato growing. Whoo hoo! We also have volunteer summer squash, ron de nice squash, and zucchini.
There have also been a few challenges. The first was removing the hundreds of tomato seedlings so that we would have space for other things to grow. Then our peas died and the squash plants began wilting along with the sugar snap peas. That was when we realized we have a gopher. Emiliano smashed down the holes and drenched the area with water to discourage the critter and encourage the plants to send out new roots. Now our cucumbers are giving out and I think it's because of aphids. Guess we need some ladybugs.
Even so, it had been so wonderful to sit back there and enjoy the flowers and strawberries. I love our garden!

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