We stayed near Carnelian Bay about 4 blocks away from the lake. We did lots of fun stuff while we were there. Emiliano and I played miniature golf. Jim, Roberta, 2 of her friends, and I played apples to apples which we all enjoyed and got many great laughs from. I spent a long and beautiful day at Sand Bar beach while Emiliano went mountain biking up a huge piece of granite and Jim and Roberta went kayaking. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. The water was a beautiful blue, the sand light colored and the mountains and forest just steps away. It was unreal. I went for a walk while at the beach and I think I saw my first marmot. Do they live there? It looked like a huge, fat squirrel with out a tail. I also went to a beautiful beach (pine something) with Emiliano and we got into the freezing cold water. He went for a short swim, but it was way to cold for me. I saw super cute baby duckies swimming behind their mamma duck. I spent a few hours shopping with Roberta and she took me to a fun candy store with fancy chocolates. I had a tequila dark chocolate that was sweatened with agave nectar and topped off with salt. Roberta bought the National Park edition of monoploy and I won! I also had the best and most expensive pedicure of my life. It was great! I did a lot of hot tubbing and tv watching, relaxing, and ate great food. Emiliano says I took recreation to a whole new level.
The house was great, the beds were so cozy, the food was awesome, we had cable to watch the tour, the mountain air was fresh, and the company was fantastic. We had a wonderful time and were sad to leave.

Sounds like a REAL vacation. Glad you got to enjoy yourself and relax.